Vanessa Maybruck is a rising junior at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania (KU). She carries a double major in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Secondary Education and duel minors in Biochemistry and Music while maintaining a 4.00 cumulative grade point average. She is president of the Association for Women in Mathematics, secretary and active member of the Iota Chapter of Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society (DAPi), and chair of the Honors Community Service Committee. Also, Vanessa is a member of the Kutztown University Honors Program, Kappa Mu Epsilon National Mathematics Honor Society, and National Society of Leadership and Success. She co-created a poster for the Iota Chapter to promote disability awareness at the Women’s Empowerment Day at KU, a full day’s event which she helped organized. She has served on panels to assist high school students with disabilities learn how to navigate the college experience and volunteers at an equestrian center that provides horseback riding lessons for individuals with disabilities. DAPi is please to award this talented, caring young advocate and role model with the 2019 DAPi Scholarship.