Where do we start?
Send an email to dapihonor@msn.com requesting information. Determine the number of students who meet the criteria and select an advisor/sponsor for your chapter.
How many eligible students do we need to form a chapter?
Ten eligible students are great to start with because you need to have officers and members to support the chapter. However, smaller institutions have established a chapter with fewer students.
What’s next?
Review the constitution for Delta Alpha Pi Honor Society and present it to your institution for approval, if necessary.
What is institutional approval?
Each institution has its own process of approval for student organizations. Start with presenting your plan and the DAPi constitution to your department dean or vice president and then to the student organization board or senate.
Everyone who has to approve this new organization has approved. What do we do now?
Send an email to dapihonor@msn.com verifying that you have an advisor/sponsor for the chapter and a minimum of ten undergraduate/graduate students who meet the criteria for membership and would like a chapter application. An official chapter application will be sent to you.
After we complete the application, how do we finalize the process?
Send DAPi President, Edith F. Miller your letter of intent [describe who you are, who will be the chapter advisor(s), provide complete contact information, and how many eligible students you anticipate], the completed application and a check for $300 for the application fee.
What is the application fee?
The application fee is used to provide you with a chapter designation, charter, copy of initiation ceremony and pledge, installation of officers ceremony, certificate for advisors, and 20 Delta Alpha Pi pins and 10 honor cords for graduating seniors. This is a one time only fee for your chapter. Additional pins and honor cords may be ordered from DAPi as needed for your chapter initiations.
When do we have an initiation for our new chapter of DAP?
Institutions that have chapters of DAPi have their first initiation as soon as they can after receiving the chapter charter. Some chapters wait until the spring semester. It is entirely up to your institutions when you will join the growing number of post-secondary institutions celebrating the academic success of students with disabilities.